Friday, 20 February 2015

Multiple Mesh Scene

As said in the last post, the next step was to create multiple instances of the mesh as a '[5,5,5] block' and build the terrain using this block. 

As shown here this is what I have done. There are clearly a few issues with it still, although this is still an early part of this step with it being the last push. The main problem that stand outs currently however is the position calculations.Whilst the meshes are spawning in a somewhat correct position they are still fairly out of place. The blocks should be touching each other creating 1 continous world


The next step is to correct the position calculations, from there I can start to look into setting multiple textures on the meshes, and that will lead into putting the Perlin Noise work in.

Perlin Noise

So the last few weeks since the last update I have been working on multiple projects so progress has slowed... however I now have 2D Perlin Noise implemented. working on both 2d meshes and 3d meshes with a depth of 1.

2D Meshes

3D Meshes

Next update is to build 'blocks' of meshes. i.e I will build small meshes of  about [5,5,5] and then use a 'World Manager' to build multiple instances of this mesh and build a world from it