Friday, 28 November 2014

Creating Meshes: Hexagonal Prisms

In a change of plan, rather than creating a plane in 2D, I have decided to work on creating 3D Meshes.

Unlike with the 2 meshes, I jumped straight in and created the hexagonal prism. I did this as the project will be using hex prisms rather than cubes, so I decided creating cubes would be a waste of time.

3D prism in Unity Scene Editor
The transition from 2D to 3D was relatively simple. To do this, what I did, was take the vertices of the original face, at +0.1 to the Y position. Then copied all the vertices but had the Y values as -0.1. The triangles for the bottom face, needed to be reversed as if the triangles were left the same, the bottom side of the mesh wouldn't be drawn. By reversing the triangles, the opposite side of the mesh was drawn.

Now that all the vertices are available, I was able to use these, to create the sides of the mesh.


The next step is to create a flat plane of these meshes.

However first I need to finish my poster that will be used for my Progress Review

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